Tuesday 26 August 2008

Playing with toys at the Perth Library UnConference

Prior to the day, local support for the 2nd Library 2.0 Unconference in Perth on August 22 2008, was overwhelming. We had to stop registrations at 100.

Library 2.0 and beyond: getting our hands dirty was the theme and some session notes are now appearing on the wiki.

For me the highlight was the "inspect a gadget" session and the chance to have a go with the Wii gaming. Sue said she should be taking commissions for the Wii. The bright green XO laptop, pictured above, also attracted some attention. Just shows there's a kid in all of us.

Being on the "unorganising committee" meant that I did a fair bit of running around and did not attend many sessions. But just talking to people around the traps I heard that the Yahoo Pipes mashups session was good. Our library staff were also interested in exploring the Library Toolbar ideas that some speakers covered.

Lutie Sheridan and I gave a presentation on Facebook and libraries and the Powerpoints are on my Slide Share account and here too

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